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Solid and Finite Element Modeling



INERTIA is many different software packages integrated under onemultitasking system for seamless integration of engineering tasks. Itsimulates testing and prototyping for automotive, aerospace, mechanical,structural, civil, and architectural engineers. An engineer graphicallybuilds a model in one module, such as InConcept, for finite-elementanalysis.INERTIA also automatically transfers the information into the kinematics,dynamics, or thermal packages for combination analysis. Because engineersare required to do many tasks simultaneously, INERTIA allows multipleoperations to be carried out at the same time.INERTIA is composed of multiple modules for the following tasks:InConcept, for finite element analysis; InThermal, for heat transfer;InMotion, for kinematics and assembly; InDynamic, for dynamics; andInFrame, for analyses and structural design.INERTIA has also binding integration with most CAD/CAM systems in orderto have direct access to their data. It is a power-parametric, feature-based modeling, meshing, and analysis system. With INERTIA's uniqueMicrosoft and Macintosh user interface, it is one of the mostly usedsystems for education series in universities, as well as large Fortune500 companies.

Language: C/CH
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Motif or Open Windows
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.0,2.3

655 W Carmel Dr Ste 104
Indianapolis, IN 46032
Phone: (317) 574-8660
        (800) 444-6223
Fax: (317) 574-8665